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Foreigners Immigration

<Key strategies> to win a lawsuit for cancellation of visa issuance refusal

by majung foreigner office 2024. 5. 8.

🔑 <Key strategies> to win a lawsuit for cancellation of visa issuance refusal ❌

👋 Hello from Majung Law Firm Foreigner Center,
📈 The number of foreigners applying for visas is rising significantly along with the number of foreigners who want to stay in Korea. A "visa" is required if you are a foreign visitor and wish to remain in another country. An order for "visa issuance refusal" will be issued if the visa issuance is denied for a certain cause. If your stay in Korea is required, you can file a "visa issuance refusal cancellation lawsuit" for justice. Nonetheless, it is crucial to have support in administrative litigation for visa issue cancellation from a lawyer who specializes in foreign visas.

🏦"Foreigner specialized lawyers" at MAJUNG who are experienced in immigration/visa matters and are certified by the Korean Bar Association will file litigation directly. Foreign visa-related litigation may only be resolved "swiftly" when it is handled by a specialist who has an in-depth understanding of this topic.

‘Only for foreigners’ MAJUNG Foreigner Specialized Center
✔️ Criminal expertise and immigration litigation lawyers from the Immigration Office
✔️ Certified Immigration, Visa, and Refugee Foreign Lawyers by the Korean Bar Association
✔️ Certified expert in criminal, labor, and administrative domains by the Korean Bar Association
✔️ Concurrent interpretation services are provided by experts in three languages: Bengali, Chinese, and English
✔️ Unrivaled know-how from experience handling approximately 5,800 cases
✔️ Overseas video consultation & non-face-to-face contract available

(1) Reasons behind the denial of a visa:
It is crucial to ascertain "for what reason" the visa issuance was refused before moving on with a lawsuit to reverse the decision. Rejections typically occur for the following reasons:
1. Insufficient data: If you do not have sufficient documents required for a visa application
2. Visa violation record: If there is a record of legal violation related to visa issuance in the past.
3. Other risk factors: Cases deemed to pose a threat to public order and public safety in Korea

1️⃣ First, you can receive a notification that your application for a visa has been denied if you are unable to provide the particular documents needed for the process. Thus, it is crucial to gather and justify the "specific evidence" that demonstrates the reason for your visit, whether you want to remain in Korea for a short while or a long time.

2️⃣ In addition, when you have a historical record of legal infractions connected to the issue of visas, you might still obtain a "rejection" notification. If you have a history of getting visas through dubious means, the validity of your stay in Korea may be questioned and your visa may be refused.

3️⃣ Finally, if the visa applicant is thought to constitute a risk to public safety and order in the Republic of Korea, their application may not be granted. You will very certainly receive a rejection letter for bad behavior if you engage in voice phishing, violence, sex offenses, drug use, etc.

(2) What to do if your visa is denied?
➡️ A foreign national must comprehend the "reason for visa rejection" stated in the notice before responding with a request for improvement points if they want to file an objection against a visa issue rejection notification. The current notice will stay in effect if the person in question is unable to provide adequate evidence of the rejection notice's unfairness. The secret is to react by considering the following-
1. Provide further information after a clear indication of the reasons the visa was denied
2. Highlight modifications made since the application

➡️ You can 1) Clearly comprehend the grounds for the denial, provide the missing data, and reapply in order to reply to a visa issuance rejection. Please answer with objective documentation that demonstrates your sufficient economic belonging in Korea if you are accused of having "unclear immigration intent."

2) It's crucial to draw attention to any modifications made since the time of the visa application. If, at the time of your initial visa application, you were not eligible for issuance, you may now assert that you are in a more favorable situation by doing so.

✅Seeking counsel from a "foreigners' legal representative" with know-how in administrative litigation concerning visas and foreign nationals is crucial. It is highly advised that you work with a "foreign expert" who specializes in foreign visas instead of a generic legal representation.

(3) To prevail in a legal action challenging the denial of a visa.

📝 Visa issuance refusal
"If it is determined that there is a risk of hurting the interests of the Republic of Korea, the Minister of Justice may decline to issue a visa to a foreign national seeking entry into Korea. This administrative decision is known as a visa issuance denial."

❌ If you disagree with the decision to deny your visa, you have ninety days from the date of the decision to initiate a lawsuit to overturn the denial. The plaintiff will be acknowledged for the issuing of a visa and will be permitted to remain in Korea if the action is successful. However legal expertise regarding immigration and foreign visas is necessary to prevail in an administrative dispute about visa issuance, which is why having a legal counsel with you is crucial. 

⚖️Because administrative agencies do not have the right to represent in litigation:
An administrative agent can assist in filing appeals against notices of visa issue rejections. 
⚠️But what happens if your appeal is not approved?
The next step is to file a 'lawsuit' in court. Please note that a lawsuit for cancellation of visa issuance refusal can only be filed through a lawyer, not through an administrator. Therefore, if you are considering dismissing the appeal in the future, it is a wise choice to proceed 'with a lawyer from the beginning'. For foreigners who are "in need of legal assistance," the MAJUNG Foreigner-Specialized Center for Foreigners offers the best possible legal response.

🏛 Majung Foreigner Center, a ‘real law firm specializing in foreigners’ that holds an unrivaled position in Korea
(1) Holds immigration, visa, and refugee status certified by the Korean Bar Association
(2) Immigration Office Criminal experts 
(3) Simultaneous interpretation consultants in multiple languages, including English, Chinese, and Bengali
(4) Domestic and international video consultation and non-face-to-face contract signing possible
(5) Experience in carrying out approximately 5,800 cases

🏛 Majung has accumulated unrivaled know-how by handling various foreigners administrative lawsuits, including lawsuits for cancellation of visa issuance refusals, lawsuits for cancellation of forced departure orders, and lawsuits for cancellation of departure orders. If you want to get the ‘desired results’ quickly, Majung is the answer.

📍We promise to do our best to protect the rights of our foreign clients.

🤝 Visit MAJUNG and tell us simply your issue. We extend a warm welcome to you from our team of knowledgeable international attorneys. 
MAJUNG Law Firm is a professional law firm located in South Korea, providing legal services to foreign residents in various types of legal cases — ranging from immigration issues, criminal defense, labor disputes, international divorce, damage compensation, and many more.
📣 English, Chinese, Thai, and Bengali interpreters are ready to assist you throughout every process.
< Contact us > 
📞 Call us at 070-5067-2322 / Whatsapp: 010-2663-1158
📲 Kakaotalk :  http://pf.kakao.com/_xfxlWxib/chat
📩 Email. foreigner@majunglaw.kr


The consultation is available at the MAJUNG Foreigner Center's headquarters in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, as well as at the branch offices in Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, and Gwangju.