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Foreigners divorce lawsuit

If you want to increase your chances of winning a foreign divorce case, “My husband cheated on me.”❤️‍🩹

by majung foreigner office 2024. 5. 1.

📈If you want to increase your chances of winning a foreign divorce case, “My husband cheated on me.”❤️‍🩹💔

👋Hello from Majung Law Firm Foreigner Center,
👤"My husband cheated on me which broke my heart. I want to divorce. What should I do?"
➡️This is an inquiry regarding divorce counseling that MAJUNG has recently received.

💑 After ten years of marriage, the Chinese national client learned about her Korean spouse's extramarital affair and filed for divorce. "My marriage was long-term, so I was even more shocked to learn of my husband's infidelity, and I was furious. I required the assistance of a "foreign divorce lawyer" rather than a typical divorce attorney because my spouse was having an affair with a Russian lady." The client visited the "Matching Center for Foreigners Specialized in Foreigners" and asked for help with a divorce case after making inquiries.

💔 Divorce cases involving foreign parties go differently than those involving domestic parties. This is because discussing the "residence issue" is the only option if one of the couples or the sexual partner is a foreigner. You, therefore, need the assistance of a specialist who is familiar with visas and residence requirements.

🏦 With the assistance of immigration office criminal experts, seasoned defense attorneys, and divorce family attorneys accredited by the Korean Bar Association, the Foreigner Specialized MAJUNG Center offers one-stop assistance with everything from divorce cases to foreign spouse residence issues.

➡️Cases involving Foreign Divorces Absolutely, get ready with a foreign divorce attorney.
✔️Certified Attorneys in the Korea Bar Association with a Focus on Songwriting
✔️Certified Immigration, Visa, and Refugee Foreign Lawyers by the Korean Bar Association
✔️Criminal specialists from the Immigration Office and skilled immigration attorneys
✔️Translation experts provide simultaneous interpretation in Bengali, Chinese, and English
✔️ Unsurpassed expertise having handled almost 5,800 cases

(1) <Actual case of foreigner winning divorce lawsuit>
➡️Multinational global clientele from the Philippines, Vietnam, China, the United States, Russia, and the Netherlands contact MAJUNG daily regarding divorce lawsuits. In several instances, Majung was trusted by clients with their problems. Thus, we would like to present a real instance of Majung's success in a divorce involving a foreign national, which offered the clients "confidence."

⚖️Majung proves its skills only with ‘results’.

📝The case detail
✅"I am a female American. I would like to file for divorce after learning about my husband's extramarital affair. I would want to know what the legal procedures are and if it is feasible to bring an alimony claim against a spouse and a lady who had an affair. Furthermore, because my knowledge of Korean is limited, I would like an interpreter throughout the consultation. Could you also give an interpretation in English?"

🚩 Majung's Solution methods
➡️The woman who approached MAJUNG for assistance was an American citizen living abroad who had chosen to file for divorce from her Korean spouse because of his adultery. Given that the client and her spouse had been married for a substantial amount of time—roughly five years—the client felt a great deal of resentment and betrayal. Because her Korean was not very excellent, she sought advice from a Majung English interpretation specialist. Majung devised the subsequent plan of action to win the divorce case after hearing the client's whole story.

(1) Dismissal of the other spouse's assertion
➡️The other spouse argued that the affair was not the primary reason for the divorce and that the relationship with the client was already strained before it began. But Majung was adamant that it was a "divorce due to adultery" since he could produce hard proof in the form of transcripts and specifics of messages that the adulterous woman and the other spouse had exchanged.

(2) Dismissing the other spouse's evidence
➡️In an attempt to refute rumors that he was having an affair, the client's spouse included testimonies from acquaintances. Because the other spouse's evidence consisted of a statement from a close associate, Majung said that it was incredibly untrustworthy. The opposite party's proof is so accepted.

(3) Preceding the other spouse's extramarital affair
⚖️Majung further stated that the client's spouse had previously been unfaithful in his marriage in addition to committing an act of infidelity. He openly acknowledged that his inability to meet his financial obligations as the head of the home made it difficult for him to keep his marriage intact.

🚩 The outcome of the case
⚖️Majung's strong legal defense helped the client win the divorce action, bring the marriage to an end, and qualify for alimony payments of up to 20 million won.

(2) The top three things to look for when starting divorce proceedings
➡️One of the most delicate topics that is constantly brought up during divorce procedures is "financial issues." Especially when a spouse's adultery is the reason for the divorce, a fierce court struggle to recover as much money as possible follows. I'm hoping you'll review the important details that should be verified.

01. Alimony
💵 Many people desire to claim alimony as compensation for psychological trauma when they file for divorce as a result of their spouse's adultery. It is not a certainty, nevertheless, that you will get the desired amount of alimony if you file a case for it without conditions. It is crucial to provide evidence that the other party caused the marriage to fail in order to win an alimony claim litigation and get the desired outcome. The important thing is to demonstrate that the other spouse was the primary reason for the divorce and that the spouse's wrongdoing caused a considerable amount of the losses sustained. We highly advise that you get advice from a legal professional with substantial expertise in such matters, since you will need to offer an explanation based on objective evidence in order to do this.

02. Property Division
⚖️Property partition is a significant topic of discussion in long-married couples. In essence, only "property acquired after marriage" is covered by the "object of property division" in divorce proceedings. Put differently, premarital funds are not included in the division process at all. This implies that the amount of assets to divide increases with the length of the marriage.

➡️Furthermore, the allocation of the "amount of property" is expressly decided by taking into account the "contribution to marital life," or which pair has been unfaithful to the other. Therefore, it is crucial to provide objective evidence to support the claim that the other party did not participate in the marriage in order to be awarded a larger share of the assets than the other party. It is important to reply to divorce property distribution demands rationally and logically based on legal viewpoints, thus we advise you to seek a strategic answer with the help of a lawyer experienced in international divorce litigation.

(3) If you need help from a foreign divorce attorney
➡️Numerous questions regarding foreigners' divorce cases are received by the Majung Foreigner Center on a daily basis. It is essential to see a foreign divorce specialist rather than a generic divorce expert when divorcing a foreign spouse since the latter's "residence issue" must be taken into account. As a result, a lot of people around the nation who are considering divorce finally come to MAJUNG. Legal counsel specialized in ordinary divorce often handles simply the divorce process; they do not handle matters related to residency, such as foreign spouse visas. Furthermore, they lack qualified translators for every language who can handle "communication" with overseas clients.

🏦Majung Foreigner Center is thus obliged to take on a distinctive role as a "foreigner-specialized law firm."

MAJUNG Foreigner Center
(1) This legal practice exclusively handles cases involving foreign nationals.
(2) It consists of seasoned professionals with a focus on immigration, visas, and refugees who have earned certification from the Korean Bar Association.
(3) Intensive attention to foreign immigration concerns is provided by skilled attorneys and criminal professionals at the Foreigner Immigration Office.
(4) Our consultation personnel speaks English, Chinese, and Bangol and is able to interpret in numerous languages simultaneously.
(5) Using our experience managing about 5,800 cases, we will look for the "optimal legal solution."

👂"I heard MAJUNG focuses on foreigners, so that's why I came here." When foreign clients arrive at MAJUNG, this is the first thing they say. Many claims that their worries regarding communication made it difficult for them to locate a legal company, but that their acquaintance's advice led them to 'Majung'. Many clients choose to sign a final contract immediately after speaking with a foreigner specialist lawyer at Majung, which is unmatched among domestic "foreigner-specialized" legal companies.

➡️This is because clients get "confidence" from many "winning" experiences.
Your greatest legal ally will be Majung, a "true law firm specializing in foreigners" with multilingual interpretation skills in English, Chinese, and Bengali.

🤝 Visit MAJUNG and tell us simply your issue. We extend a warm welcome to you from our team of knowledgeable international attorneys.
MAJUNG Law Firm is a professional law firm located in South Korea, providing legal services to foreign residents in various types of legal cases — ranging from immigration issues, criminal defense, labor disputes, international divorce, damage compensation, and many more.
📣 English, Chinese, Thai, and Bengali interpreters are ready to assist you throughout every process.
< Contact us > 
📞 Call us at 070-5067-2322 / Whatsapp: 010-2663-1158
📲 Kakaotalk :  http://pf.kakao.com/_xfxlWxib/chat
📩 Email. foreigner@majunglaw.kr


The consultation is available at the MAJUNG Foreigner Center's headquarters in Gwanghwamun, Seoul, as well as at the branch offices in Daegu, Daejeon, Busan, and Gwangju.